Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Brad Pitt's daughter Shiloh has a cameo role in his latest movie. Brad and Angelina's ten-month-old daughter plays Cate Blanchett as a baby in forthcoming film 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. A source told National Enquirer magazine: "Brad and Shiloh saved the day when twin sisters hired to take turns playing actress Cate Blanchett's character as a baby wouldn't settle down."Everyone waited in vain while the babies were fed, changed and hugged - but nothing worked to calm them on the set in New Orleans."Then quick-thinking Brad realised his daughter's happy and mellow disposition made her a quick fix for the role."Shiloh, who had been playing in the on set day care center, was swiftly put in costume.The source added: "She's a natural. Shiloh did her scenes perfectly and was giggling and happy throughout her big day."Brad and Angelina also have an adopted son Maddox, five, and an adopted two-year-old daughter Zahara. Angelina is in the process of adopting a Vietnamese boy aged between three and four.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are seeing a relationship counsellor, it has been claimed.The lovers, who met on the set of 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith', have allegedly had a series of bitter arguments and have hired a counsellor to work through their problems. A source told Britain's Grazia magazine : "This year is crux time. They have to reach a decision on what they expect from each other - and fast. Angelina has to realise Brad needs stability and Brad has to come to terms with her driving ambition as a world ambassador."Brad's family are blown away marriage didn't happen a long time ago. But Angelina doesn't want to put down roots and turn into a 'homemaker'." Her late mother had a lot to do with Angelina's decision to have counselling. Marcheline made her realise it wouldn't be such a bad idea to give marriage a go."Brad and Angelina are determined to work through their problems for the sake of their three children, adopted Maddox and Zahara, and their biological daughter Shiloh. The source added: "They have had some serious disagreements but Brad and Angelina agree that they don't want to make any more mistakes, particularly now there are three precious little lives involved."This wasn't the case in their previous marriages. The stakes are much higher than when they were childless."

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