Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Sylvester Stallone has been charged with illegally taking a performance enhancing drug into Australia.The 'Rocky' star was not present when he received the charge of importing a banned substance in a Sydney court today. The case was adjourned until April 24 when the 60-year-old's legal representatives will be asked to enter a plea. Stallone and his entourage were stopped at Sydney airport on February 16 when they flew in to promote his latest film 'Rocky Balboa'. Members of the party were found to be carrying vials of muscle enhancing Human Growth Hormone which was seized by authorities. Human Growth Hormone can't be imported to Australia without a permit from the Therapeutic Goods Administration.The actor's hotel room and private jet were searched on February 19, before he was permitted to leave the country.The maximum penalty for illegally importing the growth hormone into Australia is a fine of $86,000 and five years in prison.The 'Rambo' star is unlikely to face the maximum penalty, but could receive a heavy fine.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007


Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone, attending the premier of his new Rocky movie on Saturday, said Australian customs' seizure of several items from his luggage at Sydney Airport on Friday night was a misunderstanding. Customs officers are investigating the prohibited items, which were confiscated during a routine luggage check. Stallone was detained for nearly two hours late Friday night when x-rays showed suspicious items. "Customs can confirm Mr Stallone arrived at Sydney airport on Friday evening," said Richard Janeczko, national manager of investigations for Australian Customs. "His party was subject to normal customs and quarantine processes. During an X-ray of the group's baggage, several prohibited items were located. The items are being held by customs," Janeczko said. "Mr Stallone's party was fully co-operative with customs and was allowed to leave the airport after a short delay. Customs investigations are continuing and accordingly we can't say any more at this time," Janeczko said. Customs has yet to confirm what the seized items are. Appearing at the premiere of his new film, Rocky Balboa, Stallone told reporters Customs was just doing their job and it was a simple misunderstanding.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Sylvester Stallone has a weekend-only addiction to junk food, which causes him to pile on around 14lbs in just two days.The 'Rocky Balboa' actor has admitted he regularly binges on calorific treats from Friday to Sunday, then eats healthy during the week and hits the gym to reduce his bulging frame. Stallone said: "During the weekend I eat every piece of junk on the planet -pizza, pasta, pancakes, pies. I really balloon. Then, on a Monday I go back to normal portions, then by Friday the weight's gone and I can start over."Stallone had to trim down and tone-up for forthcoming movie 'Rocky Balboa' -which sees the ageing boxer return to the ring for one last fight - and the 60-year-old star put himself through a gruelling exercise regime to get inshape. Stallone, who is currently in the UK promoting the movie, was the guest of honor at Premiership soccer match Everton vs. Reading, in Liverpool, on Sunday. The action star, who is friends with US-based Everton shareholder Robert Earl, greeted the crowds at Goodison Park before taking his seat to watch the match. And it seems Stallone could become a full-time soccer fan. He told Britain's The Independent newspaper: "This is a legendary club.There's no question I'll be coming back for another game, definitely."The world's changing and I think there will be a big revolution in America over soccer."
