Monday, March 26, 2007


Angelina Jolie May Have To Buy Off Pax's Mom

Angelina Jolie's adopted son Pax Thien was the child of a drug addict, it has been claimed. Heroin-addict Pham Thu Dung reportedly abandoned her son when he was just two days old, and fears are growing she may demand he returns to Vietnam. Angelina - who adopted Pax last week - is said to be worried Dung, 29, could hound her for money or threaten to contest the adoption because the adoption papers were only signed by the tot's grandparents. Pax's grand dad Chien told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "Our daughter is a heroin addict and her life has been ruled by drugs. When she finds out a rich movie star has adopted her baby, she will go after her for money and make trouble. She may even try to take the child back."Chien revealed Dung became pregnant following an affair with a married man and gave birth to a dangerously underweight son. Doctors even feared the baby would be born a heroin addict. Dung abandoned Pax as he lay critically ill in hospital because she couldn't afford the $30. medical bill. Pax was sent to Ho Chi Minh City's Tam Binh orphanage and hasn't seen his mother or grandparents since. Chien added: "We never visited Pax because we were scared we would fall in love with him and I knew we couldn't afford to keep him."Dung was at our house when we heard a wealthy American wanted to adopt Pax. She showed no emotion. Then she disappeared - she was still hooked on drugs.We signed the adoption papers and said we didn't know where our daughter was."Dung's sister Trang believes she is desperate to see Pax again. She insisted: "My sister thinks about her baby a lot. If she could, she would try to get her son back."Pax is Angelina's third adopted child - she already has five-year-old Cambodian son Maddox and two-year-old Ethiopian daughter Zahara. Angelina and lover Brad Pitt also have a 10-month-old daughter Shiloh together.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007


Angelina Jolie has lashed out at paparazzi who turned her new adopted son's first encounter with celebrity into a terrifying experience. The actress and her adopted Cambodian son Maddox were leaving an orphanage outside Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam the other day with the latest addition to their family when photographers swarmed their vehicle. And Jolie, who was sickened by the extent the snappers went to get a shot of her adopted son Pax Thien, is speaking out through her international advisor Trevor Neilson. In a statement released late yesterday, he says, "As Angelina left the orphanage they (photographers) opened the door of her car, banged on the doors and threw things under the wheels to try to get them to stop. "How would the paparazzi feel if someone was doing this to a car their child was riding in?" The chaos in the car ride away from the orphanage, from which 3-year-old Pax Thien was collected by his new mom and brother, was a stark contrast to the peace in the institute, where Jolie thanked those who have been caring for her new son. The actress signed a guest book, writing, "Thank you for taking such wonderful care of my son." Jolie is now heading to Vietnamese capital Hanoi to finalize the adoption. Also, Jolie is taking a long break from her film career to focus on caring for her four children. Jolie and Pitt are now full-time parents to four children under the age of five: Cambodian Maddox, 5; Ethiopian Zahara Marley, 2; and their sole biological child Shiloh Nouvel, 10 months. Currently in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where she formally adopted Pax yesterday, Jolie told local newspaper Ho Chi Minh City Law she was happy to be a full-time mother. She says, "Now, I will stop making movies and will stay home to help Pax to get used to his new life. "I have four children and taking care of the children is the most important thing for me at the moment. I am very proud and happy to be their mother." Despite her plans for time out, Jolie recently signed on to play railroad executive Dagny Taggart in the big-screen version of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged."

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


Angelina Jolie With New Son Pax Thien

Actress Angelina Jolie hugged and spoke a few words in Vietnamese to comfort the crying boy she is adopting to live with her family in America, newspapers reported on Friday. Reports said the almost three-and-a-half year-old boy, renamed Pax Thien Jolie, cried when he first saw his adoptive mother at the Ho Chi Minh City orphanage where he has lived since infancy. Jolie was quick to hug him and told him in Vietnamese "Khong sao dau, khong sao dau" (No problem, no problem) and immediately started playing with him, Lao Dong (Labour) newspaper reported. Oscar-winning actress Jolie kept out of public view after receiving the Vietnamese boy, but her photograph was on front pages of several of Friday's newspapers, which are all state-run in communist-ruled Vietnam.The boy's caregiver said his favorite dishes included fried noodle and yoghurt and that he can count from 1 to 10 in English, the Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Jolie fetched the boy from the orphanage on Thursday and signed adoption papers with authorities in the southern city, which is Vietnam's largest urban area with 8 million people.Reporters, photographers and TV crews outside the hotel where Jolie was staying have not seen her since a car took her from the government building where she signed adoption papers on Thursday.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007


Angelina Jolie Leave's With New Son

MOVIE star Angelina Jolie adopted her fourth child today, a Vietnamese boy from a Ho Chi Minh City orphanage.Government officials said the boy was renamed Pax Thien Jolie and is almost three-and-a-half years old. The adoption will be final once US embassy officials in Hanoi approve the paperwork. Jolie and Vietnamese officials have already signed adoption documents in Ho Chi Minh City. "Everything went really well. It was a successful event this morning," said Nguyen Van Trung, director of the Tam Binh orphanage in the city, the communist-run Southeast Asian country's largest urban area with 8 million people. "All she needs to do now is to travel to Hanoi to get the travel paperwork from the US embassy for the boy." Senior officials said Jolie's adoption had been speeded up, partly due to her celebrity status. The child had been registered as Pham Quang Sang at the orphanage. Trung said the boy had been abandoned at birth at a local hospital and has been at the orphanage since 2003.
Jolie took the boy with her to the Justice Department building in the city centre to sign the adoption documents. Her car left half an hour later. "She was very beautiful. She signed and had her photo taken," department official Dao Van Tran said outside the building. Jolie has two adoptive children and a biological daughter with partner Hollywood heartthrob Brad Pitt. She flew into the southern Vietnamese city on yesterday night from Japan on a chartered plane. Her son Maddox and daughters Zahara and Shiloh Nouvel accompanied her. Jolie, 31, filed adoption papers in early March through an unidentified American agency without Pitt because under Vietnamese law, an unmarried couple may not adopt a child. Single people may adopt children under the law. In Vietnam, adoptions have been known to take as little as one month if background checks and issues of whether the adopting family can support a child are quickly resolved. However, the process can take six months or longer in some cases. Jolie and Pitt visited Ho Chi Minh City last November and met children at the orphanage. The couple say they have no plans to marry but are committed to raising their children together. Their biological daughter, Shiloh Nouvel, was born last year. Jolie adopted Maddox from Cambodia and Zahara from Ethiopia before her relationship with Pitt, who has now become their adoptive father.

Tam Binh Orphanage

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The Ideal Family For Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie may become a mother again within weeks - according to Vietnamese officials.The actress, who wants to adopt for the third time after falling in love with a three-and-a-half year-old Vietnamese boy, has been told by adoption officials that her application is being processed quickly and could be completed by the end of the month. Nguyen Van Trung, director of the Tam Binh orphanage on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City, said: "He is in good health. He is a little bit shy but he gets along with the other children and likes playing soccer."Angelina, 31 - who is dating Brad Pitt - has made a solo application to become the child's parent because it is difficult for unmarried couples to adopt under Vietnamese law. Angelina and Brad, 43, jointly adopted two-year-old Ethiopian baby Zahara. Brad is father to five-year-old son Maddox, whom Angelina had previously adopted from Cambodia.The couple also have a 10-month-old biological daughter called Shiloh.Foreign applications to adopt Vietnamese children can face a lengthy and complex screening process. However, after a search to locate the child's birth family failed, and because of the age of the boy, Angelina's application is being "processed quickly".

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Monday, March 05, 2007


Angelina Jolie's adoption of a Vietnamese boy contravenes the country's laws.The 'Good Shepherd' star filed papers with Vietnamese and US officials to become the child's guardian as a single parent last week.Under Vietnamese law single parents who are co-habiting cannot adopt.International adoption official Tatiana Beams said: "This is a clear contradiction of Vietnamese law, and such situations would not be allowed for other couples."Most co-habiting couples who try to adopt as a single parent are either turned away from agencies or face difficulties."The US department dealing with the matter insists it abides by Vietnamese rules when it comes to adopting from the country, but has not opposed Angelina's action. The 31-year-old star filed for adoption as a single parent, even though her boyfriend, Brad Pitt, has become the adoptive father of her five-year-old Cambodian son Maddox and two-year-old Ethiopian daughter Zahara.The family, who also have a ten-month-old biological daughter Shiloh together, live in New Orleans.

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